Monday, May 16, 2011

First Post

This is my first post. WOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Yea anyway, I'll probably use this blog to write about random stuff that comes up in my life. I will try to keep it as unboring as possible, because I know there are too many boring blogs about boring stuff written by boring people with boring lives in the universe.

My first order of business is to call my state of residence communist, anti-AMERICAN, and against the individual freedoms of the people. So here it goes:
California - or should I say Kalifornia - is a backwards-@$$ pro-Marxism anti-Freedom state of hypocrites run by idiots who think regular law abiding citizens are criminals for being able to protect themselves. 

That's right, protecting yourself is illegal in Commiefornia. Or, it will be once this bill is approved by the Senate. Apparently lawmakers don't think the United States constitution applies to subjects - errr, citizens - living in California, especially the second amendment, which guarantees "the right of the People to keep and bear arms". But it's okay, now I can order a cheese burger without the holding the burden of needing to protect myself, my friends, or my family from a criminal trying to rob the joint or a psychopath on a killing spree. Yep, I sure do love average police response times of over 5 minutes, especially when everyone will be dead when they get there.

This is why I want to move to a free state, like Vermont or Montana. Because I love freedom. America, Fuck Yeah!


  1. Sounds good, Love the pic! >:D

  2. commiefornia, Great name :D!

  3. Wow thats not good that they banned having an UNLOADED weapon.

  4. congratulations! keep up the work

  5. lol Commiefornia is great. Montana is awesome. HOW FAST CAN U DRIVE!?

  6. Yeah, no need to sell me on California hate, I'm from Oregon.

  7. Great post, can't wait to read more from you.

  8. Well, your first post is great, you're off to a nice start.

  9. good luck with your brand new blog

  10. You should move to the deep south, heard its real american there.

  11. Amazing post! Keep them comming :)

  12. I think its ok, you dont need a weapon..

  13. Here in MA you can get a crossbow without an issue or license, but a slingshot is illegal.
